
o-Agendas will 

Help you reduce the use of paper.

Eliminate the costs for mailing and delivery of board packets.

Simplify the process of distributing amended agendas and materials.

Streamline the activities of archiving board documents.


Quick preparation time


Saves time and money

Free technical support

Reduces waste

Improves collaboration

Improves meeting efficiency



Board Governance Through
Electronic Board Meetings



Online electronic board meetings save you time and money and give you access to board documents from any device with one tap!


  • Public and private view of meeting materials.
  • Customizeable with colors and logos to fit seamlessly with your District Site.
  • Fully subdomained for ease of access and integration. Use yourdistrictname.oagendas.com to access, instead of long, hard-to-remember URLs.
  • Ability to build agendas and resusable templates.
  • Ability to share meetings via email directly from the application, for both public and logged in users.
  • Public and Board members can search previous meetings.
  • Board members can search meetings from other districts for reference purposes.
  • Create additional accounts, site is manageable at the district level.
  • Responsive design functions well in computer, iPad, or Android-based environments.
  • Designed to ease the creation of both one-time and recurring meetings.
  • Template design with keyword tokens.
  • Ability to mark potential executive session items at agenda creation time to prevent public view of sensitive attachments.



Office: 380 Zurich Drive, Ridgeland, MS 39157
Mail: PO Box 203, Clinton, MS 39060
Phone: 601-924-2001   Fax:601-924-2002   Toll Free:888-367-6722