
MSBA’s Center for Board Development
is offering the following online courses:


To login:

Go to:  http://training.msbaonline.org

Enter registered email address in the User Name box.

Click on "Password reminder".

User Name will automatically appear in User Name box.

Password will be sent to your email.

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Lesson Title Delivery Hours Status
The School Board’s Role in Student Achievement Part 1 Online 3.0 2
The School Board’s Role in Student Achievement Part 2 Online 3.0 2
Taking Proper Action at Board Meetings Online 3.0 2
Using School Board Policy to Improve Student Achievement Online 3.0 2
Team Building Online 3.0 2

Available Online Courses

The Board’s Role in Improving Student Achievement Part I   (3 hours) $150.00
In this module, the participant will be introduced to how the board can improve student outcomes by focusing on two of the four areas of school board governances that make a difference in student learning. The participant learning objectives are:

  • To understand the difference between school governance and school management and why this distinction is important if school boards are to fulfill their role in improving student outcomes; and
  • To understand the importance of planning, the school board’s role in planning and how to develop a school improvement plan that improves student learning.

The Board’s Role in Improving Student Achievement Part II  (3 hours) $150.00
In this continuation of The Board’s Role in Improving Student Achievement, the participant will be introduced to how the board can improve student outcomes by focusing on the last two of the four areas of school board governances that make a difference in student learning. The participant learning objectives are:

  • To understand and demonstrate how the board monitors a school improvement plan at board meetings to assure the goals, as established by the school board and superintendent, are being accomplished; and 
  • To understand the importance of community engagement and how it impacts on student achievement and academic growth.

Taking Proper Action at Board Meetings (3 hours) $150.00

Using School Board Policy to Improve Student Achievement (3 hours) $150.00


Online courses will remain open until June 30th. On July 1st, they will be taken down
to undergo maintenance and will not be back up until August 1st.

Office: 380 Zurich Drive, Ridgeland, MS 39157
Mail: PO Box 203, Clinton, MS 39060
Phone: 601-924-2001   Fax:601-924-2002   Toll Free:888-367-6722